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Plan - Integrate - SolveSo Cool keyboard

Man & Machine

asdfMan & Machine, Inc. Public Safety Group (MMIPSG) is an operating unit of Man & Machine, the industry leader in medical grade and industrial keyboards.

With over 30 years experience in custom-made computer peripherals, we have experience in providing best-in-class products that satisfy customer requirements. When off-the-shelf products do not meet our customer's needs, we can custom-engineer a solution.

Developed for Public Safety Customers

Man & Machine has designed keyboards that specifically address the unique requirements of PSAPs and first-responders in-vehicle typing needs. Like our designs for the health-care industry, M&M public safety keyboards are richly featured to protect the health of those who come in contact with public-access keyboards used continuously across shifts.

Sealed, seamless and silent.

asdfIn Comm centers, M&M keyboards may be washed with any over-the-counter disinfectant to prevent the spread of bacteria—and the illnesses they cause. M&M keyboards are sealed, seamless and silent. Sealed, to allow thorough disinfection and prevent the accumulation of germ-laden gunk underneath and between keys.

These keyboards can even be immersed in soap and water. Seamless, to protect the keyboard from the inevitable spilled coffee, falling donut crumbs, overflowing soft drinks and other foods and beverages tossed on an in-vehicle fumble. Silent, so that users can concentrate on critically important tasks without the distraction of annoying clicks.

Tasdfhe perfect proportions for in-vehicle use.

M&M Public Safety keyboards have the right fit and feel for in-vehicle use. Although they are compact and easy to store, the keys are full-sized. An ingenious keyboard mounting system means that keyboards can be moved out of the way quickly, and with no rattling. And Velcro and dirty paper tape are relics of the past.


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